The IFE Franchise & Entrepreneurs Expo took Durban by Storm

The IFE Franchise & Entrepreneurs Expo took Durban by Storm

Bringing the IFE Franchise & Entrepreneurs Expo to Durban, Kwa-Zulu Natal for the first time was a game changer for a province keen to promote entrepreneurship and small business expansion. Hosted by Ithala Development Finance Corporation and in line with their economic growth and job creation mandate, the exhibition focused on the potential of entrepreneurship and offered local people the opportunity to find out more about owning their own businesses.

Organised by the Franchise Association of South Africa (FASA), franchise companies with a special interest in expanding into Kwa-Zulu Natal were on hand to showcase their business and franchise offerings and making the necessary contacts with prospective franchisees.

franchise expo seminar audience

Free Seminars were held with experts in business, franchising and funding giving valuable advice on getting into business. So popular were the talks that additional seating had to be arranged to accommodate the over close to 500 people who took advantage of these educational forums.