Become a trusted service provider/goods supplier to the franchise industry in order to enjoy the following benefits:-
Service providers and goods suppliers are required to provide an undertaking that they would manage their business on an ethical basis and deal with clients in a fair and transparent manner. This paves the way for building a working relationship with clients or customers based on trust.
The Association promotes its members as trusted service providers/goods suppliers to the franchise industry by way of its online Directory for Service Providers/Goods Suppliers.
Members are recommended by the Association when enquiries are received. This service is offered free of charge to members and helps members in this category to recruit new clients.
Trusted service providers/goods suppliers members are featured in the Association’s annual Franchise Manual.
The Franchise Manual is offered for sale on the Association’s website in hard copy or as an eBook. Additional free copies are made available to members on request if they want to hand them to potential franchisees during the interviewing process.
Members receive a FREE full colour quarter page insert in the Manual showcasing their accreditation status.
Service providers/goods suppliers members are offered opportunities to sponsor and/or facilitate events, seminars and networking opportunities on a first come first served basis.
Service providers/goods suppliers receive a special member’s discount of 20% on the exhibition costs of a stand at exhibitions managed by the Association. Exhibiting provides a great opportunity to showcase services, demonstrate products, obtain visibility for the company and build new client databases.
Service providers/goods suppliers members have access to leadership opportunities within the Association’s structures like nominating themselves to serve on the Association’s Council and other working committees like the Membership committee, Legal committee and FASA Food Forum.
Service providers/goods suppliers members have access to publishing an article of interest or educational value in the Association’s Newsletter which is distributed to over 30 000 qualified recipients at no cost. These articles are published on FASA’s website and shared on FASA’s social media platforms to generate website traffic and provides exposure and visibility to the company and the products or services on offer.
Service providers/goods suppliers members are given access to speaking opportunities at conferences, expo’s and other industry events managed by the Association. These free opportunities are usually offered to members on a preferential basis – first come first served.
Service providers/goods suppliers members can advertise or post relevant promotional offers in your listing in the Association’s directory at no cost. Your listing is displayed in the sidebar of the Association’s website.
Promotional offers are also listed as a member benefit under the Franchisor/Supplier benefit link on the website.
Members who successfully encourage non-members to join the Association, receives a 10% discount on their membership fees for the ensuring year, for every member referral signed up.
Proudly SA offers members of the Association a 10% discount on their first year’s membership fees, and a 20% discount for those signing up for a two-year membership.
Special Discount Offer from LWO Employers organisation which specialises in labour law compliance and representation at the CCMA.
FASA members recieve a 20% discount on the once-off joining fee when joining the LWO.
Membership with LWO is vested in the legal entity, irrespective of the number of employees. The cost structure is two-fold:
- Once-off joining fee of R2 663.00 (with the 20% discount on the once-off joining fee, FASA franchisors will only pay R2 130.40 (including VAT)
- Annual membership fee (also payable monthly) according to the membership package best suited to the employer’s needs – there are five packages to choose from, with the Basic package’s annual fee being R2 868.00 (or R239.00 monthly x 12).
The LWO assists employers to comply with labour law and typical services include:
- Upon joining, every member receives a labour audit (“information and implementation session”) where a qualified legal advisor does a full analysis of your employment contracts, rules, procedures, registration, etcetera to identify any gaps or risks. All labour law documentation is provided and explained, we discuss it with you and get your input regarding your unique needs and implement it in the workplace. You also receive the 3 labour law posters that must be displayed in the workplace (Basic Conditions of Employment Act, Employment Equity Act, Health and Safety Act), as well as a disciplinary code with offences and sanctions. We ensure that your workplace complies 100% with labour law.
- Free purpose-built employment contracts and other labour law documentation.
- Making and implementing rules in the workplace.
- Enforcing discipline – consultations, warnings, disciplinary hearings.
- Representation at the CCMA, Bargaining Councils and Labour court.
- We provide assistance with: restructuring, retrenchment, trade union negotiations, strikes and Department of Labour inspections
Our number 1 service is of course the free 24/7 legal advice helpline where our members can phone at any time, as many times as needed, and speak directly to a qualified legal advisor.
If you are interested in contacting LWO about this special offer please emailAnsofie van der Walt