Level 4 lockdown, challenges facing businesses opening
As South Africa grappled with the partial lifting of restrictions under Level 4, franchise members have been contacting the association with many questions that have come out as a result of the regulations with many things up in the air in terms of the exact requirements needed to open. Franchisors are busy strategizing whether it will pay them to open and balance the potential income to the costs of operating. Many wanting clarity on the following: Does a business need to get a permit to open under Level 4? Do all staff members also have to have a permit and …
Covid-19 Lockdown and labour law – Interview with LWO
Interview about labour law related to employers and employees during the covid-19 lockdown in South Africa. Christo Bester who is the legal services manager at the LWO Employers Organisation, which is registered with the Department of Labour. Christo has a BProc and LLM (Mercantile Law) degree, a Certificate in Advanced Labour law and is an admitted attorney of the High Court with extensive experience in various aspects of practicing law in the business environment. FASA Franchise Association South AfricaTo protect, lobby, promote and develop ethical franchising across all sectors in South Africa with specific focus on transformation. www.fasa.co.za …