Scoping webinar for realignment of occupational qualifications

Your invitation to the Scoping Webinar
for the realigment of the Occupation Qualification Workshop
The services SETA invites all stakeholders who has been affected by or interested in the below-listed occupations to attend the
QCTO scoping meeting:
- Business Operations Manager OFO Code 121901 (Realignment of Generic Management NQF Level 5 ID 59201)
- Franchise Manager OFO Code 121906
- Small Business Manager OFO Code 134903 (Realignment of New Venture Creation NQF 2 and 4 qualifications)
The Scoping meeting will take place according to the following details:
Date of Event: 26 October 2021
Venue: Virtual Meeting – Microsoft Teams Webinar
Time: 10:00 to 15:30
What to expect after registration?
After you have successfully registered for the event, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.
The Agenda for the scoping meeting:
- Welcome
- Attendance and Introduction
- expectations
- QCTO Mandate
- Organising framework of occupations
- QCTO Qualifications Development Methodology
- Development Quality Partner (DQP)
- Assessment Quality Partner (AQP)
- Confirm DQP
- Stakeholders (Confirmation And Working group)
- Qualifications to be replaced
Please note there will be breakout rooms in the session in Accordance to the realignment.
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