How to apply labour law tools to run your business effectively

How to apply labour law tools to run your business effectively

Make sure you know how to appoint the right people for your organisation, manage your employees effectively in a fair and productive workplace and be prepared for ending employment in a way that benefits all.  As a member of Business Unity South Africa (FASA) FASA is proud share the BUSA/CCMA labour advice web tool with small business owners.

Based on the findings of research, BUSA, in partnership with the Commission for Conciliation, Mediation and Arbitration (CCMA), developed this free-to-use web-based toolbox of information sheets, checklists, guidelines and templates that may be accessed by small businesses and the public alike.

Overview of the BUSA/CCMA Labour Advice Web Tool

Employers and non-unionised employees are often confronted with high costs associated with accessing guidance on labour relations matters. The result is that many small businesses are poorly equipped to comply with the administrative and legal requirements associated with the fair hiring and management of staff. The labour web tool is largely structured to provide information, guidelines and templates that focus on the following core areas:

  • How to recruit, select, appoint and contract employees.
  • How to manage employees during employment.
  • How to end the employment relationship in a fair manner.

The documents and templates were developed by experienced labour law practitioners within the CCMA and BUSA and will be updated from time to time to ensure that the information remains relevant and accurate. Information on the National Minimum Wage Act 9 of 2018 and the 2018 amendments to the Labour Relations Act 66 of 1995 and the basic Conditions of Employment Act 75 of 1997 can also be found on the web tool.

The objectives of the CCMA/BUSA Labour Advice Web Tool for Small Business are to:

  • Facilitate and support NDP objectives of decent work, growth and employment creation.
  • Capacitate small businesses to manage workplace conflict effectively and contribute towards building stable, high performing and productive workplaces.
  • Build knowledge and skills and promote fair labour practices and contribute towards workplace transformation.
  • Stimulate confidence in labour laws and to foster a culture of self-help and self-sufficiency within small businesses.
  • Improve employer and employee understanding and compliance with labour laws, reduce red-tape and the associated costs and contribute to workplace stability and certainty in smaller business workplaces.

The Labour Advice Web Tool for Small Business provides users with instant access to a wide range of labour relations information sheets and templates. Access the Labour Advice Web Tool and get FREE online labour support.