Vodacom – FREE Schooling for your kids – You do not need data

Parents’ of school going children must be pulling their hair out right now !
Vodacom has a free e-School Portal that is zero-rated for customers (you don’t need data to access it)
It covers the Grade R to 12 syllabus, across all subjects in the 11 official languages.
[su_button url=”https://www.vodacom.co.za/vodacom/services/vodacom-e-school?cid=PS_cbbr_9_kmrc_4529&gclid=Cj0KCQjw1Iv0BRDaARIsAGTWD1uk14FeisFgvhar_iz813RBrv253qoc3LMho5zEosgSAjqLqVFfZ1QaAuyOEALw_wcB” target=”blank” background=”#af1f39″ size=”14″ center=”yes” icon=”icon: drivers-license”]Click Here to Register[/su_button]

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