Franchising sector supports charity

As the cold sets in this winter, spare a thought for those less fortunate who are cold, hungry and often without shelter. Franchise companies and brands are known to be very generous in helping those less fortunate with the Franchise Association of South Africa (FASA) one of the first Associations whose members signed up with Rounda, an initiative of the Nikela Trust which seeks to collect, under patent, all the small change which carries insignificant value, along with other voluntary contributions and apply that to the upliftment of the SA society. Started in April 2018 to date it has raised over R1 million collectively with franchise companies McDonald’s, Nandos, Steers, Mimmos, Mochachos, Spur and many more coming on board to play their part to eradicate poverty in South Africa.
FASA salutes those franchise companies who have spearheaded their own charity initiatives to make a difference, among them:
Food Lover’s Market launches Hunger Month Campaign
Food Lover’s Market has launched its annual Hunger Month initiative – a month-long in-store campaign aimed at raising awareness and funds for meals by encouraging consumers to purchase selected partner products.

Despite South Africa being a net exporter of food, 14 million citizens are vulnerable to hunger on a daily basis and the campaign – now in its third year – hopes to reach and exceed one million meals in 2019. The campaign raised enough money to facilitate the distribution of 733,179 meals last year.
Shoppers can show their support by purchasing any of the following products in Food Lover’s Market stores:
- 1.5kg bag of Tru-Cape Apples or a 1.5kg bag of Tru-Cape Pears;
- 7kg pocket of potatoes or onions from Wenpro;
- 1.5L Simpl. Juice;
- 3kg bag of Rugani carrots or a 750ml Rugani Veggie Juice.
Any of these products bought between 1 May and 28 May 2019 will contribute the required R0.90c. FoodForward SA needs to provide one meal’s worth of food to a hungry South African. In addition, Food Lover’s Market will donate R0.90c for any burger meal sold in Market Cafes during the month of May and will donate 1% of turnover on 28 May directly to FoodForwardSA.
Says Kate Marais head of CSI at Food Lover’s Market, “Statistics from the latest South African Health and Nutrition Examination Survey found that 28% of urban households are at risk of being hungry, while 26% are already experiencing hunger. In rural areas, the statistics are higher at 32% and 36% respectively.”
“To us it means that food insecurity is a real problem faced by a significant portion of our population and it’s no longer just the problem of an NGO, government or corporate – but it’s really everyone’s problem.”
Pick n Pay launched novelty slippers for Slipper Day 2019
On the 10th May, the Reach For A Dream Foundation held its annual Slipper Day where consumers could purchase a Slipper Day wristband for R10 at any Pick n Pay, Wimpy or Dis-Chem stores – contributing to providing strength, hope and courage to children with life-threatening illnesses. This year, to add a bit of fun to the initiative, Pick n Pay launched novelty slippers for Slipper Day, including dog, bunny, rhino, llama, flamingo or brightly coloured unicorn slippers.
For over 30 years, the Reach For A Dream Foundation has brought hope to over 60,000 life-threatened children across South Africa with the goal to give the child courage to carry on their fight. During this time, more than 16,000 dreams have been fulfilled ranging from a bedroom makeover to arranging for a child to meet their favourite celebrity or fly in a plane.

To protect, lobby, promote and develop ethical franchising across all sectors in South Africa with specific focus on transformation.