The ADCO Franchise operates under the workshop franchise division of Motus Aftermarket Parts. The Adco Franchises are a specialist chain of over 30 Independent Diesel Fuel Injection and Turbo charge workshops, operating under a uniform brand on a national basis.
The Adco brand strength is directly linked to the specialized product brand it represents e.g. Zexel, Denso, Stanadyne, Yanmar and Technic Turbo which are all respected International Companies and suppliers of diesel fuel injection or turbo chargers as original equipment to the Automotive Industry.
Servicing and repairs to automotive diesel fuel injection systems.
A division of Imperial Holdings Limited – Motus Aftermarket Parts (Pty) Ltd, established in South Africa in 1983, over 25 franchisees in South Africa and 4 in Africa.
Advanced Training on automotive diesel fuel injection systems through authorized training centres – ITTA.
Management / Franchise Fee =R6250 p/m with Annual Increase
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