FASA invites you to online networking connecting businesses

FASA invites you to online networking connecting businesses

We can all agree on one thing, the world has changed!  Navigating the worldwide web is second nature to some but can be very foreign and daunting to most.  As we look at current and future trends, the online world is here to stay.  Working virtually, networking virtually and connecting in the online world will become the norm for many.  There are many advantages to working from home and being able to attend events online from the comfort of your own home.  You don’t have to sit in traffic, you save time in travelling to and from the event venue and you don’t have to organise a babysitter to look after the kids.  You can participate in events while cooking, while having dinner the choice is yours.  What the reset has done is given people more options and it has allowed people to go with the flow.  This means we’ve learnt to understand that anything can happen, like your kid interrupting you on a very important meeting.

FASA  has organised an online virtual networking which will be hosted via Zoom to network and collaborate and to start the conversation.  The event is on 12th March starting at 9 am, finishing around 12pm.  We have organised 3 guest speakers to share information and knowledge on relevant topics that impacts all of us.

We will start the day with introductions and getting people settling in, make important announcements and then kick of with our first guest speaker at 9h30 am.



Popi Act Compliancy
Mercia Fynn – Kisch IP

9h30 am 

Maybe you have heard about it but not sure what it means for you and your franchisees or as a supplier what that means in relation to collecting data and how you use that data.  As it stands when it comes to online nothing is secret but it is still up to you to safeguard the data you collect and to inform people what you will be doing with this data.  The Popi Act is coming into affect in July 2021.  What must you do now to ensure you are compliant otherwise you could be in for a hefty fine.  Meet our first guest Mercia Fynn of Kisch IP who will be discussing the Popi Act and what you need to know.  Find out what Mercia will cover.




Getting more exposure through digital
Romany Thresher

Fasa’s online manager will share tips and ideas on how you can raise your visibility online to build your digital footprint and get more exposure for your brand.





Attendees have the opportunity to introduce themselves and to discuss something of interest.  Romany Thresher will kick off with sharing information about the virtual world and social media, offering tips on how you can raise your brand visibility and giving members and opportunity to network.




Rights and Obligations of Employers and Employees –
Christo Bester – LWO Employers Organisation 


Working from home, checks and balances for the new normal.  It is no secret that 2020 has been a difficult year. Not only has the Covid-19 virus disrupted the economy but it seems it will also be set to be part of our lives for the near future until everyone has been vaccinated. This will in turn change how we interact not only with family and friends, but it already has had an effect on how employers and employees render services to clients and on the fulfilment of job responsibilities.  Read more about this discussion





Close the morning with Q & A

End the morning with networking and an open Q and A discussion, should you need answers to topics that were discussed for the day.
Please share this with someone you think would be interested in attending this event.


Free for all FASA members and their franchisees and staff to attend
R50 for non-members 

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[su_button url=”https://www.fasa.co.za/product/fasa-taking-networking-online-for-the-franchise-industry/” target=”blank” background=”#b20000″ size=”13″ center=”yes” radius=”0″ icon=”icon: drivers-license” text_shadow=”0px 0px 0px #000000″]Non Members [/su_button]