Facing fuel & convenience retailing challenges

Until the pandemic struck at the beginning of 2020, the Automotive Sector was set to be the one business area that would be impacted the most by the 4th Industrial Revolution and be at the forefront of the new technological age. Key speakers at FASA‘s conference in 2021 in the Automotive sector slot expanded on trends and innovations in the aftermarket motor industry. Little did they know that the economic fall-out from Covid-19 was just the tip of the iceberg and that more curveballs were on the way in the form of devastating floods and the war in Ukraine would derail oil prices and have a snowball effect on the economy and their sector in particular. Get an update from the Fuel Retailers Association as they prepare to update franchisees at their upcoming conference.
Since then, balancing current challenges whilst keeping an eye on what the future holds for this sector is what the Fuel Retailers Association (FRA) is focused on and their upcoming ‘Unity in Action – Building New Capabilities’ Conference to be held as part of Automechanika at Expo Centre on the 8th and 9th June 2022 will unpack the threats and challenges and try and find long-term solutions by building new capabilities for its franchisees in both the fuel and convenience store spaces.
“To say that our industry is under attack would be an understatement”, says Reggie Sibiya, CEO of the FRA. “Not only do we have to contend with rising global oil prices and its economic consequences, but locally the rising pressure from our government on fuel prices and call for deregulation will have long-term implications for our fuel and convenience store retailers.”
The Fuel Fallout
Already faced with fuel increases, Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in February triggered a tsunami of oil price increases across the globe, with South Africa going over the R20 per litre price point. Although government, in its 2022 Budget, gave temporary relief by not raising fuel levies and the Road Accident Fund (RAF) in the short-term, this will not solve the country’s complex fuel structure. Levies and taxes account for about a third of the petrol price per litre, with the basic fuel price (BFP) set on parity pricing for oil imports. Administered prices under the Regulatory Accounting System include wholesale, distribution, retailers and entrepreneur margins, alongside zone differentials that set prices on geographic district and the slate levy financing cumulative petrol price under-recoveries.
Given that the petrol price is strictly regulated by the minister, at a recent meeting between MPs and various representative associations, including the South African Petroleum Industry Association (Sapia), Liquid Fuel Wholesalers Association (LFWR), the Fuel Retailers Association (FRA), the South African Oil and Gas Alliance, and the South African Petroleum Retailers Association (Sapra), the general consensus was that any changes to the fuel structure should not have adverse consequences and do further damage to an already struggling sector that has to bear the brunt of unfair price margins and lower volume sales. FRA board member Sbonelo Mbatha called for the scrapping of the RAF tax, about R2.18 per litre of petrol, in favour of a flat-fee motor insurance. “Any attempt to reduce retailers’ margin… any attempt will render most service stations unsustainable. The industry already approaches 4,000 retrenchments due to hardships.”
Forecourt Convenience Stores to transform
For those operating fuel retail stations the current situation puts them between a rock and a hard place. On the one hand handling the challenges of the international fuel crisis coupled with declining volumes and profit margins, onerous legislation from both government and industry standards and labour issues; on the other hand, balancing much needed income streams from forecourt shops and other services to make up the shortfalls and ensure the sustainability of their businesses.
Creativity in convenience retailing is key to the future of fuel convenience, according to Mark Wohltmann, Director of NACS (National Association of Convenience Stores), who will be a key speaker at the FRA Conference giving his insights as to what the rest of the world is doing to mitigate this “As electric vehicles become a reality, service station owners then need to add convenience stores, fast food & beverages, car washes, car and trailer hire, with electric or hybrid vehicle charging spots, laundry services or even future potential in pharmacies on the radar to make ends meet.”
“The future of the fuel retailer lies in creating a competitive edge,” says Reggie Sibiya, CEO of the Fuel Retailers Association (FRA). “As an important sector in South Africa, we need to learn from our international partners like NACS as they are way ahead of us in tackling this fine balancing act. Our fuel and convenience retailers need to be prepared to change with the times, recognising the need to move from the needs of the vehicle to the needs of the driver and his passengers. In other words from defining our customers as drivers in cars who want to refuel to defining customers as people on the move who need a whole variety of goods and services – which they can easily and conveniently get at a fuel forecourt.”
The FRA conference will also be hosting various industry players including representatives from the Oil Companies who will be sharing how they see the industry working together amidst these challenges. Various influential factors both locally and globally will be unpacked at the coming conference and we invite all stakeholders in the franchising sector to come and be part of the solutions to save this important sector by building new capabilities.
Registration for FRA’s 2022 Conference is now open! Register now to be part of what will be one of the most important get-togethers of the past few years. The conference will be held as a free hybrid event and will be hosted on the 8th and 9th June 2022. You can attend in person in Johannesburg at Expo Centre (formerly Nasrec) as part of the Automechanika Expo or join virtually. To book visit Fuel Retailers

To protect, lobby, promote and develop ethical franchising across all sectors in South Africa with specific focus on transformation.