Building resilience in your business
FASA Franchise Association South AfricaTo protect, lobby, promote and develop ethical franchising across all sectors in South Africa with specific focus on transformation. …
The benefits of online training for franchise companies
In today’s fast-paced business landscape, franchise companies are constantly seeking innovative ways to train their employees efficiently and effectively. Companies sometimes question the effectiveness of training and if results are worth the expense and lost working hours. Fuel OnlineFUEL Online is a leading provider of corporate e-learning solutions in Africa. It has 23+ years’ experience creating end-to-end solutions for large and medium businesses with remote workforces and dispersed sites. FUEL’s robust Learning Management System is uniquely set up to serve as a global communication platform that can reach all learners to ensure efficient knowledge distribution. A complete range of online …
Franchisors can benefit from a Labour Activation Programme
FASA in partnership with INANI will be implementing a Labour Activation Programme that is funded by the Unemployment Insurance Fund that stands to benefit franchisors with tax incentives while assisting in skills development and job creation. FASA Franchise Association South AfricaTo protect, lobby, promote and develop ethical franchising across all sectors in South Africa with specific focus on transformation. …
Franchise Industry Qualification on Track
For forty-four years, the Franchise Association of South Africa has steered the franchise sector to the point where it contributed, according to its last survey conducted in 2018/2019, close to 14% to the country’s GDP through its network of around 800 franchise systems and close to 40 000 outlets. From its fledgling start in the 1960’s and 1970’s, when pioneering brands like Steers, Spur and Pick n Pay introduced consumers to the phenomenon of franchising – to the explosion of franchising concepts in diverse sectors from the 1980’s to the 2000’s on the back of renewed hope for the country’s new …
The unsung hero in the field of franchising
Understanding franchisees requires more than just mandatory visits and obligatory compliance checks. As many of us know, franchisors are often likened to parents and we all know being a parent doesn’t come with an operations manual. Fortunately, franchising is somewhat different and there are ways to upskill and train Franchise Field Consultants (FSCs) to be brilliant mediators between franchisor and franchisee, and thus really fulfill the role of being business advisors. We have witnessed countless positive relationship transformations between franchisors and franchisees by simply equipping the business advisors with the right tools to support franchisees. We cannot underestimate the pressure …
Recruit franchisees with the FASA – Inani Initiative
Nico Botha, the founder of Inani NPC Incubator Accelerator answers questions about the FASA – INANI initiative, creating training and funding opportunities for the franchise sector. Also participating in this interview is Ornica Mukhavhuli who runs the Inani Talent Incubator and BBBE Specialist Tony D’ Almeida FASA Franchise Association South AfricaTo protect, lobby, promote and develop ethical franchising across all sectors in South Africa with specific focus on transformation. …
Authentic leadership in uncertain times
Successful franchising is based on the effective premise of a successful franchisor/franchisee relationship. Leading in The Fourth Industrial Revolution requires a new leadership paradigm. Turbulent times call for an approach that puts people at the centre of everything they do. Leaders must transform their organizations to stay relevant and competitive amidst unprecedented change, but they must do so in a manner that inspires people in their workforce to opportunities and prosperity. The changed world of Covid-19 means business models that carried companies to the top of their industries are burning, set aflame by the pandemic, technology, demographic change, globalization, and …
Deliver the future of education now… with Schooltree
The facts in education in South Africa are shocking; 80% of Grade 4 pupils cannot read comprehension. After five years of school about half of the learners in South Africa cannot work out that 24 divided by three is eight. The 2019 Teaching and Learning International Survey (TAUS) found that South African teachers spend only 66% of their time teaching while the international average is 78%. Educating the next generation is a collective responsibility and FASA member RAiN, a professional services company known for its broad-spectrum, organic solutions which address specific business and operational challenges, is behind an initiative called …